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Your Ultimate Guide to Decaf Coffee

Posted by Meera Nair on

Coffee is a widely celebrated drink not merely because of its caffeine. 

It has been pivotal in shaping social and cultural norms in countries across the world. Plus, you’ve got to admit that it tastes pretty darn good.

A lot of people prefer drinking decaf coffee because of health reasons. For some, it could be a personal preference.

Either way, decaf coffee can be just as good as caffeinated coffee, and there’s no reason it should be relegated to the backseat.

What is Decaf Coffee?

Coffee that has been stripped of its caffeine is known as decaf coffee. These coffees have nearly 97% less caffeine than other coffees.

Generally, decaf coffees have around 2 mg of caffeine per cup compared to 80 mg of caffeine-filled coffees.

Have you ever wondered when decaf coffee was made? It is said to have first been introduced into the market around 1905 by a German coffee merchant, Ludwig Roselius. 

His journey of crafting a decaffeinated coffee began as a result of a personal tragedy. Roselius wished there were coffees with less caffeine, which subsequently wouldn’t have a harmful impact on health.

decaf coffee basics

But way before Roselius’s experiments, a German chemist by the name of Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge first identified caffeine and that it could be isolated. That’s how decaf coffee came to be.

How is Decaf Coffee Made?

The decaffeination process occurs at the green bean stage. There are several different processes that can be followed to significantly reduce the caffeine in coffee beans. 

In one method, unroasted coffee beans are subjected to solvents which extract the caffeine from the beans. Afterwards, the solvents are removed.

There is another process involving water and the introduction of carbon dioxide that is also followed for decaf coffee. It is called the Swiss Water process.

Regardless of the process used, once the caffeine has been removed, the beans are washed, dried and roasted. The brew resulting from such beans looks just like regular coffee but can sometimes have a milder flavour profile depending on how it has been processed.

Common Questions/ Myths About Decaf Coffee

  • Is the decaffeination process bad for you?
    No. It is safe to consume decaf coffee, and the process itself doesn’t negatively affect you in any way. Especially because food authorities have rigid protocols to ensure that the final product that’s in the market is safe for consumption.

  • Decaffeinated coffee has no flavour
    This myth probably arises because of poor-quality decaf coffee that is so harsh on the beans that it considerably weakens its taste. As long as you choose good quality decaf coffee, you don’t need to worry about your coffee being flavourless.
good quality decaf coffees
  • Can you drink a lot more cups of decaf coffee than other coffees?
    Technically speaking, yes you can since 4 cups of decaf coffee aren’t nearly as stimulating as 4 cups of regular coffee. But be mindful of how many cups you have in a day. Consumption of any food or beverage should always be done in moderation

  • How is decaf coffee good for you?
    In addition to it having less caffeine, decaf coffees also tend to have low acidity. They contain fewer calories than other coffees. Moreover, they have antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium that aid in overall health.

  • Can decaf coffee be made from only a particular type of beans?
    No, decaf coffee can be made from any coffee beans, arabica or robusta.

Have you tried decaf coffee? 

If not, check out our Orizaba blend. It has notes of dark chocolate, almond, and raisin. With origins in Colombia, this coffee blend is a washed processed decaf coffee.

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